Monthly Newsletters:
Important Dates:
October 9th: Picture Day by Angel Croucher
October 7-10th: Thanksgiving
October 14: No School
October 15-17th: Community Helpers
October 20-24th: Halloween
October 24th: Purple day, wear purple, bring something purple for the collage & bring a purple snack!
October 28-31st: Halloween continued
October 31st: Halloween Hoot -Dress up in your costume and lets celebrate!
- Oct. 9th -Picture Day
- Oct. 14 -No School
- Oct. 24 -Purple Day
- Oct. 31 -Halloween
October 9th: Picture Day by Angel Croucher
October 7-10th: Thanksgiving
October 14: No School
October 15-17th: Community Helpers
October 20-24th: Halloween
October 24th: Purple day, wear purple, bring something purple for the collage & bring a purple snack!
October 28-31st: Halloween continued
October 31st: Halloween Hoot -Dress up in your costume and lets celebrate!